Saturday, December 28, 2019

Networking Can Be Simple on LinkedIn

Networking Can Be Simple on LinkedInNetworking Can Be Simple on LinkedInNetworking is crucial in todays world. Its how great things happen, right? Its how your friend of a friend of a friend landed that dream job in Hawaii.All expenses paid plus a sign on bonus. Really?Thats probably a bit of a reach. The point is, fruchtwein of us know LinkedIn is a great place to network and develop contacts. A quick online search will show you theres a ton of advice explaining how to expand your LinkedIn network.Its always smart to research best practices and networking tipsThe more people you know, the more you put yourself out there, the more you help others, the better your chances will be to find what youre looking for.Some people are natural born social butterflies. They strike up conversations standing in line at the coffee shop. They are always in the know because they know everyone.Others cringe at the thought of reaching out to a stranger for any reason. It doesnt matter if its online, or in person. Theyd rather get a tooth pulled than start a conversation in an elevator.Whats it like for you? Do you jump right in or run for the hills?Im one of those people who will talk to almost anyone in person. If Im standing in line next to you, Ill most likely say hello at the very least. I love people.Ill admit I sometimes struggle to make that initial contact online. I dont want my message to come across as cheesy or like a pitch. The good news is Ive found it gets easier with practice.Ive learned to step out of my comfort zone on LinkedIn. Ive learned to have fun with it and challenge myself to reach out every day. Im getting results and connecting with some outstanding people.Heres how to simplify networking on LinkedInYou decide to connect with someone LinkedIn suggests you may know. You want to make sure your message doesnt get ignored.First, look at their profile and activity to see what you have in common. You see they recently shared an article you also enjoyed readin g. ExcellentNext, click Connect and then click Add a notenzeichen to personalize the request. Now, imagine this potential LinkedIn connection is sitting next to you at a coffee shop.Reach out your virtual hand and say hello. Ask how their day is going.Tell them you noticed the New York Times article theyre reading. You read it this morning, and youd love to hear their take on it. They smile and share their thoughts on the article. BravoMost requests will be accepted if theyre personal and engagingYou want to add more value and perspective to your network. Imagine youre at a party and notice a friend laughing along with a few people you havent met before.You overhear something funny, and you cant help but chime in. The next thing you know, youre shaking hands and making new friends.Heres how that looks onlinePay attention to the comments on threads youre already following. Do you recognize anyone who is adding appealing comments? Does someone seemto align with your values?You can lik e the comment if you dont know the person. You can even comment on it This is called networkingGo ahead and like that hilarious comment. Thank them in your comment and tell them how they made you literally laugh out loud. Mention that the person sitting next to you at work is glaring at you because they have no idea why youre laughing.This scenario sparks a conversation. Then, a connection invite comes to you. EasyYou can reach out to anyone in a genuine way. Imagine youre at a mall, and someone rushes up to you to sell you the most magical face cream ever. They start by telling you how beautiful you are. Its awkward.Before you can say thank you, theyre shoving a $150 miracle potion in your face. Theyre swearing up and down it will make you look 20 years younger. This is not a great approach to networking on LinkedIn.Nobody wants to be pitched to. Most of us are suspicious of random strangers sending empty connection invites.Stand out by recognizing something unique about the person you want to add to your network. Think about what you have to offer to the relationship as well.Heres the bottom lineYou can build a strong LinkedIn network and have mutually beneficial relationships. Simply be yourself. Think of how youd like to be approached and do the same.Put yourself in the other persons shoes before you rush in. Get creative and have fun. Send me a connection request for practiceHappy connecting

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Finding a Part-Time Sales Job

Finding a Part-Time schlussverkauf JobFinding a Part-Time Sales JobWhether you are looking for a part-time schlussverkauf sttte because you need a second (or third) income source, want to give ausverkauf a try and dont want to commit to a full-time position or have decided that working more than one job is more your style, finding good paying part-time sales positions can be challenging. Many employers who hire sales professionals prefer that their reps work full-time at driving revenue for their companies and are reluctant to consider part-time sales reps. Fortunately, there are some places you can look for part-time work. The Retail Industry The retail industry is the most obvious industry to look into when looking for part-time sales work. In fact, the majority of those working in sales positions in a retail shop are not full-time employees. While the retail industry certainly has plenty of part time opportunities, you will likely encounter some challenges. Most retail sales p ositions are low paying ones.Entry level positions usually require weekend and evening hoursVery few offer benefitsMay not earn commission but only a base salary Despite these (and other) drawbacks, looking for a part-time sales position in the retail industry usually, produces positive results for those willing to deal with the challenges and still produce positive results. 1099 Positions Unlike a typical employee positions, 1099 positions generally offer incredible flexibility. In other words, if you have a 1099 position, you work when you want to work. The downside is that very few 1099 positions offer a salary and those who work under a 1099 agreement work completely on a commission basis. 1099 positions are often filled by Independent sales professionals, looking to either augment their incomes, find another source of income to replace their full-time positions income or by those simply following a passion for a specific product or service. Expect to find several companies, many of which will be start-up companies, with 1099 sales position openings. Inside Sales The Inside Sales industry is an exciting industry that has experiencedrapid growth and change during the 2000s. This growth is partly due to the lower cost involved in employing inside reps when compared to outside sales reps and advances in technology. Inside sales is a tough position often filled with more than a fair share of rejection. Several employers hire part-time inside sales reps to weed out those who cant cut a full-time position as well as to guard against the burn out that dialing for dollars often creates. Auto Sales While the majority of those in the auto sales industry are full-time employees, many smaller dealerships or used car dealers employee part-time sales reps. The benefits for a dealer to hire part-time include Save money by not paying benefitsArrange scheduling to have sales reps working during busy hours and not having to pay full-time employees during typical ly slow times.Can use part-time positions as proving grounds for full-time consideration One of the biggest challenges with working part-time selling cars is experienced when working in a dealership that also employees several full-time sales reps. In auto dealerships, reps usually take turns working with customers who walk through their doors. Imagine being a full-time employee putting in a 10 hour day and have a part-time sales rep close a profit-rich sale simply because the part-time rep was next in line. Your Current Employer If you currently hold a full-time sales position and want to cut your hours back, you may want to consider asking your manager about going part-time. While this may bring some negative exposure to yourself if your employer doesnt offer part-time work, you may be able to build a strong enough case why your employer should consider allowing you to work part-time. Some benefits that your employer would realize by allowing a full-timer to become a part-time r include Full-time employees are already well trainedFull-time employees, in general, have already proven themselves to be good employees.Employers can save money by allowing you to work part-time as part-time positions seldom include benefitsEmployers want to keep good employees. And if your employer knows that you want to go part-time, they may see enough value in keeping you, even if for fewer hours per week, than losing you to another part-time position.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Most People Are Looking for Jobs the Wrong Way. Heather Hund Wants to Fix That

Most People Are Looking for Jobs the Wrong Way. Heather Hund Wants to Fix ThatMost People Are Looking for Jobs the Wrong Way. Heather Hund Wants to Fix That Write a resume. Send it to a couple dozen different companies. Receive zero responses. If this sounds familiar, youre not alone. One of the most common frustrations job seekers have is sending out tons of applications, only to hear nothing back in return. And as a result, many of them view the job search as near-impossible. But the truth is, finding a great job isnt as hard as most people think it is - or at least, it doesnt have to be.Thats the central theme behind Heather Hunds new book, Art of the Job Search . Hund believes that finding a job isnt so much about what you do - its about how you do it. And as long as you pay attention to the details, you can find a job you love in record time.We reached out to Hund to learn more about her best job search tips, why finding a job you love is an investment i n your career and how job seekers have more power than they might think - heres what she had to say.Heather Hund I left my job and didnt have another one, and realized that I really wanted to find a job that I loved, but also that I had no idea how to do it. So, my first step in the job search was actually interviewing people about how they found a job that they loved. Then, I used that information at each step of the process, and ended up getting several offers and, even more importantly, finding a job that I really loved, and it changed my life. And I thought that was information that needed to be out into the world.Heather Hund When I began looking for a new job after I left my old one, I dropped my resume online for all sorts of things - some looked interesting, and some didnt. And after a few weeks of that, I realized that wasnt actually moving me in the right direction. So I then took a giant step back and took a self-assessment, similar to the one included in the book, to figure out What do I actually want to do? What are my strengths? How do I want to apply those? Then I applied that same bit of strategy throughout the search, from writing my resume to applying to interviewing to negotiating . So I think being strategic is what makes the difference between ending up at a job, and finding a job that you really love.Heather Hund As humans, were wired to avoid rejection . I think its biological, and probably helped keep us alive at some point. But I also think that today, it doesnt help us much, and it prevents us from going for the things we really want. So its about flipping the dialogue - instead of thinking, Do they want me? Ask yourself, Do you actually want to work there? Do you like the culture, do you feel good about the role, do you like the people that are interviewing you? Remember, youre interviewing them.While its important to answer the persons questions, when you take control and departure asking more questions, it can actually make you a more attractive candidate. It shows that you can problem solve, and that youre thinking about things from a higher level - from an ownership perspective - which I think is super powerful.Yes, they have the job that they can offer you, but you have the skills, the ability, the talent to offer them. Youre a giant asset as well. People often undervalue themselves, and dont realize how valuable they are.Heather Hund Absolutely. I think the most powerful thing to do in that situation is to ask questions that you would ask if you were already in the role, like What are the priorities right now, and what will they be in a year?Heather Hund Its so true - people often see loving your job as an indulgence, like You shouldnt love your work, its work But think about it When you were doing something that you loved, either at work or as a hobby, were you better at it? I would guess yes. When I was writing this book, I definitely found that research backed this up. People who love their job get more raises, they get promoted more, they have better relationships with their managers, and theyre just happier, which is a huge, huge benefit. I think loving your job really is an investment in your career.Heather Hund The growth mindset is so powerful. If I could recommend one other book, it would be Carol Dwecks Mindset . Basically, she argues that with a growth mindset, theres no such thing as failure - everything becomes learning. It enables you to take more risks and to go after the things you really want, even when youre afraid, and I think this includes finding a job you really love. People dont really acknowledge how hard job searching is emotionally, and thats why I decided to devote an entire chapter to talking about how to get into that growth mindset before you start job searching. Its funny - I know it doesnt have to do with the tactics of job searching, but I actually think this chapter might be the most important one in the book.Heather Hund Lik e many other people (and often women in particular), at my first job I thought If I just put my head down and work super hard, Ill get noticed. But what I started noticing was that the people who got the coolest projects and the special opportunities and the fast promotions were often the ones that had relationships with the people who were making the decisions. That was a hard thing to notice, because the truth is I hate networking. Most people kind of balk when they hear networking. No one wants to network, and I think it has a bad reputation - people just think of awkward conversation.For me, it took a reframe of what networking is. Really, its just talking to people. And what I realized over the course of my career was that I dont like networking, but I love talking to people and getting to know them. Building those relationships is why networking is often more important than the work itself.To be clear, it is actually important to be good at your job, but its also really imp ortant to build strong relationships so that you get to know when cool things are happening that you might be excited about, or that you could contribute toward. Networking can lead to not only opportunities, but also long-term mentors and friendships. And it can often last beyond just one job, which is pretty awesome.Heather Hund I like to start with small talk for two reasons one, I think it helps you build the relationship, and two, I think talking about your weekend or your family or your hobbies just takes the pressure off of the conversation. Dont go into it with an outcome-based mindset - just have a conversation.I find it quite helpful to write out questions (there are a few that I include in the book), not so much to bring with me, but just to get me thinking, What are the things that I want to cover in this conversation?The biggest hurdle honestly is just doing it. In my first real networking conversation, I was waiting for the elevator after work and my colleague was ju st standing there, and we struck up a random conversation. After a while I said, Hey, do you want to grab coffee? And he said Sure. And I remember thinking, Ah, thats so easy You just ask somebody if they want to grab coffee.Heather Hund One of the things that stuck with me from business school was when a friend told me, Whenever I start a new job, I make sure to be incredible for the first six months. Id never thought about it before, but he was totally right. First impressions are very real, and very lasting.A lot of people go into a new job thinking, I need to figure out exactly what my boss wants me to do, and I need to do those things. But what people dont realize is that often, their boss doesnt know what they want. Theyre super busy, and they really just need somebody to take something and run with it. So its more about how you frame yourself as someone who can be a problem-solver and a real thought partner - thats what sets apart the amazing people from the good people.A nother huge thing is feedback . Some companies are great about having feedback structures in place, and then some arent. If feedback is not a regular thing at your company, take aktion and lead a feedback discussion with your boss. Feedback, when done in the right way, builds much stronger relationships, helps you develop and improve faster and can take you further in your career.Then the last thing I talk about in the book is promotions. Marissa Mayer once said, I got every single one of my promotions by asking and getting feedback and planning for it. You need to start thinking about your new career path - you dont necessarily need to have an answer, but think of where you want to go and what you need to do to get there before you even want to make that transition.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

20 Companies Hiring Like Crazy in November

20 Companies Hiring Like Crazy in November20 Companies Hiring Like Crazy in November With just two months left in 2018, the year is winding down to an end - but that doesnt mean that your job search has to With unemployment at the lowest rate since 1969 and 7.1 million open jobs , its a definite job seekers market. However, its important to remember that this market wont last forever. So this month, in between creating your Thanksgiving dinner grocery list, planning forBlack Friday and enjoying the autumn weather, make sure toapply to a job at one of these companies with hrs of open positionsSpreetail Where Hiring Lincoln, NE Omaha, NE Austin, TX Dallas, TX & more. What Roles Site Merchandising Specialist, Transportation Analyst, Inventory Control Liaison, Stylist, Principal Front End Developer, Accounting Manager, Photographer, DevOps Engineer & more. What Employees Say Above all else, the thing sets Spreetail apart is the people you have the opportunity to work with. Spreetail does a wonderful job of vetting candidates before theyre hired, and when they say they put a priority around the culture fit, they mean it. - Current EmployeeAffirm Where Hiring New York, NY San Francisco, CA Pittsburgh, PA & more. What Roles Operations Specialist, Software Engineer, Risk Operations Agent, HR Business Partner, Senior Accountant, Director of Data Science Growth, absatzwirtschaft Compliance and Fair Lending Officer, Training and Development Specialist, Engineering Manager & more. What Employees Say Affirm is great. I have never been surrounded by so many talented and hard-working people. As someone who just left the Military, I was looking for an organization that gave me a sense of purpose similar to what I felt in the military. Affirm has given me purpose, as well as provides me the ability to make a true and meaningful change to the entire company. - Current EmployeeRevature Where Hiring Seattle, WA Columbus, GA Clearwater, FL Madison , WI San Antonio, TX Raleigh, NC Henderson, NV & more. What Roles Junio Web Developer, Entry Level Software Engineer, Entry Level Programmer, Java Developer, Entry Level Systems Engineer & more. What Employees Say Well established company with friendly work environment. Very good trainers and mentors who are supportive from day one. Lots of opportunities to grow with the company. Management provides their full support when you fulfill all their expectations. Compensation is good to start and I have started recommending the company to my friends. - Current EmployeeThe Cheesecake Factory Where Hiring Seattle, WA Boston, MA San Francisco, CA Dallas, TX Portland, OR Kansas City, MO Littleton, CO & more. What Roles Restaurant Managers, Kitchen Managers, Line Cooks, Prep Cooks, Dishwashers, Bussers, Cashiers, Hosts & more. What Employees Say What I like about this company is that you are given the chance to prove your work capabilities and once proven to management you have unl imited potential to make money. My colleagues are my family and my managers are just as kind. I love how the company actively participates in giving back to the community. - Current EmployeeKindred Healthcare Where Hiring Kansas City, MO Las Vegas, NV Perris, CA Houston, TX Louisville, KY Tampa, FL Westminster, CO Westminster, CO & more. What Roles Education Coordinator, Quality Assurance Analyst, Clinical Documentation Specialist, Director of Licensure & Certification, Accounts Receivable Representative, Senior Financial Reporting Analyst, Registered Nurse (RN), Chief Clinical Officer & more. What Employees Say Very thorough care to patients. Pay attention to details and follow Medicare guidelines very carefully. Focused on providing the best care to patients in their home. - Current EmployeeTuesday Morning Where Hiring Beaverton, OR Jackson, MS Quakertown, PA Prescott, AZ Venice, FL Murphy, TX Milwaukee, WI San Luis Obispo, CA Dallas, TX & more. What Roles Store Manage r, Compensation Analyst, Allocation Analyst, Full-Time Assistant Manager, Marketing Coordinator, Assistant Buyer, Part-Time Store Associate, Cash Specialist, Staff Accountant & more. What Employees Say This job will gain you customer service experience, and firing people seems to be unheard of. Many opportunities for advancement. - Current Employee3M Where Hiring Maplewood, MN Valley, NE Albany, NY Springfield, MO Salem, NH Murray, UT & more. What Roles Executive Administrative Assistant, Application Development Engineer, Senior Research Scientist, Supply Chain Analyst, Application Support Representative, Plant Financial Analyst, Sourcing Specialist, Production Operator & more. What Employees Say 3M is as transparent, honest and up front a company as I have ever worked for in the 35 years I have been in the workforce. They pay a ritterlich and reasonable salary for what you do and I am always amazed at how long people have stayed with the company. - Current EmployeeChildren s of Alabama Where Hiring Birmingham, AL What Roles Specialty Clinic Nurse Pulmonary, Credentialing Specialist, Staff Nurse PICU, Office Assistant, Steril Process Eqt Technician, Patient Registration Rep, Quality Utilization Reviewer, Applications Engineer & more. What Employees Say This is the best place Ive ever worked. Everyone there is so friendly, helpful, and understanding. - Former EmployeeOne Medical Where Hiring San Francisco, CA San Diego, CA WalnutCreek, CANew York, NY & more. What Roles Family Medicine Physician, Nurse Practitioner, Product Design Manager, Senior Engineering Manager, Administrative Assistant, Primary Care Provider & more. What Employees Say The people at One Medical are the kindest, hardest working bunch on the face of the planet. The team takes the culture seriously and works very hard to deliver on our value proposition for patients. - Current EmployeeKforce Where Hiring New York, NY Atlanta, GA Houston, TX San Francisco, CA Grand Rapids , MI Riverwoods, IL Arlington, TX Denver, CO & more. What Roles DevSecOps, Senior / Lead Software Engineer, Manager of Internal Audit, Senior UX Designer, 3D Print Metal Field Service Engineer, Senior DevOps Engineer, Data Scientist & more. What Employees Say Amazing leadership ranging from Market Managers, Directors, and VPs. Culture is something the company takes seriously (which is awesome) and they work hard to preserve it. - Current EmployeeScoop Technologies Where Hiring San Francisco, CA What Roles Technical Recruiter, Business Analyst, Head of Enterprise Marketing, Strategic Partnerships, Senior Product Analyst, Senior Graphic Designer, Brand Marketing Manager, Head of Strategic Enterprise Sales & more. What Employees Say Work/Life Another culture value at Scoop is Sustainability is key. Its key to the model (carpooling is better for the environment) and its key to the culture (burnout isnt sustainable). At Scoop there is a real emphasis on professional AND person al responsibility. - Current EmployeePalo Alto Networks Where Hiring Plano, TX Reston, VA Santa Clara, Columbus, OH Bellevue, WA Norwalk, CT Los Angeles, CA & more. What Roles Systems Engineer, IT Technology Business Analyst, Manager of Support Delivery, Sales Support Specialist, Security Researcher, Technical Account Manager, Global Benefits Analyst & more. What Employees Say Plenty of opportunities to apply skill sets, and learn new ones as the company evolves its portfolio and reach. Outstanding alignment across the leadership team on mission, vision, and strategy.- Current EmployeeTransUnion Where Hiring Boca Raton, FL San Luis Obispo, CA Chicago, IL Atlanta, GA & more. What Roles Global Analytics Lead, Mortgage Analytics Analyst, Lead Engineer, Data Developer, Application Engineer, Agile Product Owner, Associate Product Manager, Analytics Intern & more. What Employees Say Ive worked at TU for several years. The culture just keeps getting better. Things are beinahe paced and continuously evolving (which I prefer). You are rewarded by thinking differently and going above and beyond. You are given opportunities to pursue cool projects or work outside your SME area. - Current EmployeeUS Department of Veteran Affairs Where Hiring Baltimore, MD Phoenix, AZ Saint Paul, MN Houston, TX New York, NY Johnson City, TN Chicago, IL & more. What Roles Veterans Service Representative, RN, Social Worker, Women Veterans Program Manager, Pharmacy Technician, Staff Psychologist, Medical Technologist, Physician, Nurse Manager & more. What Employees Say Stable and personally rewarding job. Great management that cares about their employees. Excellent team concept to work under. - Medical Instrument TechnicianMadwire Where Hiring Fort Collins, CO What Roles Graphic Designer, Sales & Marketing Consultant, Digital Marketing Manager, Web/Graphic Designer, DevOps Engineer & more. What Employees Say This job is an incubator for success. Youll quickly learn many things that are useful in the business world and in life. Ive developed a skill set in my 9.5 months working here that would have taken me years to develop at another company You have an ability to learn from any department and the best part is, this is encouraged. I can learn video editing, coding, and marketing all in a days work if I wanted to, amazing. - Current Social Media Managerdatenbankindex Exchange Where Hiring New York, New York Toronto, ON (Canada) Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA What Roles Field Solutions Consultant, Account Manager, Agile HR Project Manager, Director Strategic Partner Development, Email Marketing Manager, Client Service Manager, Product Marketing Manager & more. What Employees Say Describing how great working at Index Exchange is has always been challenging for me because unless you work there, you truly do not understand how special it is. What makes it special? The people Imagine working at a company that employs incredibly talented people and those incredibly talented people all utilize their individual strengths to come together to foster a positive working environment while producing the best results that will help move an industry forward. Thats Index Exchange. - Current EmployeeOden Technologies Where Hiring New York, NY Chicago, IL What Roles Hardware Operations Manager, Demand Generation Marketing Manager, Senior Back-End Engineer, Senior Front-End Engineer, Account Executive, DevOps Engineer, HR/Recruiting Coordinator & more. What Employees Say The rewarding aspect of Oden that differentiates it from other tech companies I know of is the mission and values of the company. Oden as a company, as a product, and as a team works very hard to create a great, usable product that customers will use and positively benefit from. I am not really conflicted as to the benefits of my work, as are some of my peers at the large bluechip companies I truly believe what I am working on will positively impact manufact uring through insights into efficiencies and optimizations and reductions in waste and energy usage. The direct benefits of this culture and mission are a team of people who are great to work with, who are genuinely excited about their work, who stay late trying to improve the product, and this leads to a place that makes it worth spending my day at. - Current Software EngineerCitrix Where Hiring Fort Lauderdale, FL Raleigh, NC Santa Clara, CA Alpharetta, GA Bethesda, MD Parsippany, NJ & more. What Roles Product Support Specialist, Reporting and Data Analytics Engineer, Technical Program Manager Product Certifications, Professional Services Consultant, Sales Representative, Cloud Success Readiness Manager & more. What Employees Say Work hard play hard. Great diversity of culture, smart people and state of the art technology. - CurrentPartner Account ManagerTorch Technologies Where Hiring Huntsville, AL Baltimore, MD Los Angeles, CA Colorado Springs, CO & more. What Roles Programmer / Software Design Engineer (Entry Level), Unreal Game Developer, Hardware/Test Engineer Optical Sensors, Senior Administrator, Systems Engineer Reliability, MDA Lab Infrastructure Support & more. What Employees Say Employees own the company. Very employee centric due to this. Incredible benefits, and an even better culture. - Current EmployeePitchBook Where Hiring Seattle, WA San Francisco, CA New York, NY What Roles Research Associate, Customer Support Specialist, Technical Data Analyst, Production Assistant, Director of Recruiting, Customer Marketing Specialist, Copywriter, Machine Learning Engineer & more. What Employees Say Great environment, already seen a ton of growth opportunity. Work feels meaningful with a lot of supporting peers and leadership. - Current Senior Account Manager

Monday, December 9, 2019

Unanswered Questions on Teenage Resume Template That You Should Think About

Unanswered Questions on Teenage Resume Template That You Should Think About Believe it or not, teenagers are in rather large demand for a number of jobs. Keep reading for suggestions on how to compose a teenagers first resume. Finding that great first job could take some moment, but making a great match will be worth yur preparation and patience. It can be quite cumbersome attempting to make the resume from scratch. Youll discover a story about someone who said the incorrect thing on social networking and lost her job. If you would like to get a nice job, you require a good resume. What You Dont Know About Teenage Resume Template You must bethat applicant. The very first section of your resume should consist of information on the way the employer can contact you. Creating your resume is essential. Writing your first resume for the job of a lifeguard is not a hard job. A basic resume may be the appropriate format and tool for you once you are wanting to transition into work from freelancing or self-employment. Check to ensure youre providing all of the info required and clearly define your skill sets with respect to application requirements. Begin with contact detailsThe first thing you want to do is say who you are. Start with taking a look at the jobs requirements. The Teenage Resume Template Trap A fantastic skills list is critical on any resume for teens. Make certain that the skills are related to the job which you desire. Hence, its important that youre honest in regards to citing your abilities and individual traits. Chronological resumes are the ideal place to highlight your accomplishments. Following your educational background, after that you can enumerate any work or work-related experience youve undergone. Identify top skillsFind the fruchtwein prominent skills for the sort of job which youre seeking so that you can more easily boost your discoverability. You may display your work history, but in addition fill in more space by ta lking about your abilities and other knowledge youve got. Thus, its important to compose a resume effectively and honestly in order to create a great image as an applying teenager. A legal professional seeking the most suitable job ought to have a strong resume as a way to be noticed by the employers. In reality, our customers using our resume templates receive a job 33% faster than people who dont. There are all kinds of jobs out there waiting for an applicant just like you. It is crucial that you tailor your resume for every single job application to rise the fit between you, the job and the employer. The target on a resume tells a possible employer what your teen hopes to escape from his job. The procedure for requesting a job is stressful and time consuming. It can be difficult to obtain the right resume template when you are simply going into the workforce. Instead, concentrate on the fundamentals. Odds are you may end up excluding some important regions and including others that arent that necessary. Then you likely may end up excluding some vital regions and which includes others that arent that necessary. Work is an immense part of your life, but its just one part of your life. Its helpful to have a look at student and part-time resume examples to find some ideas about what a superior one contains. To earn a one-page resume work for you, it is important that you prioritize key bits of your work history that are related to the position youre applying for. A resume template will give the essential information that is needed for a resume, as well as the format and the way to present your working details in a logical and appealing way. You are going to be able to discover various resume samples over the internet that may greatly help you. Resume generator will make a lovely colorful and expert cv in pdf at the same time you wait. The templates are made in such a manner they make the resume get noticed.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Top Resume Writing Tips for Graduate School Admissions Guide!

Top Resume Writing Tips for Graduate School Admissions Guide Getting the Best Resume Writing Tips for Graduate School Admissions Be certain to have a peer or expert editor check your work to be certain there are no glaring errors or significant room for improvement. The more information youll be able to present to admissions committees to display your readiness for graduate-level work will increase your value for a candidate. You need to produce choices where information is simple to find, aesthetically pleasing and leaves the reader knowing precisely what you want them to know. Like many companies, grad programs get a lot of applications, so they desire a fast and very clear approach to observe why youd be a great fit for their program. Graduate admissions faculty members will discover that its much easier to scan. Writing the personal stellungnahme isnt a fulling career. Awards and accomplishments are rather important, and thus dont neglect to highlight them as well. Fi nding the Best Resume Writing Tips for Graduate School Admissions Great writing skills are always valued so that your language has to be on point. The procedure will enhance your probability of gaining admission in your program and help you better your resume writing skills. You have an extremely excellent prospect of being selected. Finding a recommendation from a well-known professor can boost your odds of getting accepted. The One Thing to Do for Resume Writing Tips for Graduate School Admissions Graduate school resume differs from a professional resume because it doesnt adhere to the normal structure. Its fast and simple to use. The best programs ask you to have experience in your area. For instance, a graduate program in architecture may not truly care if youre licensed lifeguard but might care very much if youre CAD certified. The Argument About Resume Writing Tips for Graduate School Admissions Some graduate schools might request your complete work experience, while some could recommend that you concentrate on the things closely about the program. Also, compare your resume to the writing instructions (should you have any) to be sure you included everything which is required. You should do more than just list your prior work experience. In truth, it might not even be noticed buried among items like played on the tennis group, enjoy theater, etc.. Along with any research or teaching work youve already completed or are working on, its advisable to go over directions you want to take with your research and instruction once youre admitted to graduate school. Consider the time spent outside of work or school. Submit the saatkorn resume for each job. For instance, the very best MBA programs do not admit applicants who dont have many years of work experience.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

How to Get Paid What Youre Worth

How to Get Paid What Youre WorthHow to Get Paid What Youre WorthWant to love your job? Make sure youre being paid fairly. While the relationship between actual pay and job satisfaction isnt as strong as you might think, feeling like your pay is appropriate for your skills and abilities is key to feeling appreciated at work. PayScale research shows that 75 percent workers who feel theyre paid at or above the market rate report high job satisfaction, compared to 59 percent of workers who feel that theyre paid below market. The problem is that most people have no idea how much they should be paid. That makes it difficult to negotiate salary when they take a new job or contemplate a promotion at their current employer. And in most cases, it pays to negotiate, especially when taking a new job. Most hiring managers expect candidates to negotiate, once a job offer is on the table. Fail to do so, and you could cost yourself $1 million in lost earnings over the course of your career. 5 Ste ps to a Salary Negotiation That Pays Of course, theres a right way and a wrong way to go about negotiating salary. To get paid what youre worth, make a plan thats based on data, notlage secondhand information from your braggy coworker. 1. Research Salaries Why shouldnt you base your salary assessment on what you hear from others in your field? Well, for starters, theres no guarantee that theyre being truthful. Buy their fish story, and you could wind up dissatisfied at work for no reason or trying to negotiate a raise based on the wrong information. Beyond that, youll never get the whole picture from a lunchroom conversation about pay. Your colleague might have skills or certifications that boost their salary, or experience in another area that levels up their compensation. The best way to set your personal salary range is by using a salary calculator based on anonymous surveys from thousands of workers with your job title, skillset, education, and geographic location. There a re several free salary calculators out there that can provide this information. Spend a few minutes entering your information and get a report with a range thats based on data, not hearsay. (Best of all, getting the facts about your pay means that youll have a way to counter any attempts to base your compensation on salary history.) 2. Choose the Right Time When it comes to negotiating salary, patience is a virtue. Dont bring up compensation until the employer makes an offer, and try to avoid getting locked into a range early on in the process. Let the employer make the first move. If you are asked what your salary requirements are, say that they are flexible, based upon the lage and the total compensation package including benefits. An alternative is to tell the employer youd like to know more about the job responsibilities prior to discussing salary. You can also give the employer a salary range based upon salary research youve just completed and cite the research you have don e. Keep in mind that there may not be much flexibility. If the employer has a budget or an established salary structure, the best you might get is the top of the range for that particular position. 3. Have a Backup Plan Dont limit yourself to salary alone. If the employer cant afford to pay more, ask about the possibility of salary reviews sooner rather than later, extra vacation, or even a bonus based on performance. Regardless of where you are in the negotiating process, remember to remain positive and continue to reiterate your interest in the position. Let the employer know that the only issue is the salary and you are really excited about the job and the company. Then, if the position does sound like the perfect job, consider whether the company culture, including the benefits and flexibility, as well as the job itself are worth it regardless of the salary. If they are, it might just be worth accepting the position and taking a chance that the salary increases will follow 4. Leave Emotion Out of It Never let an employer know you need money. It wont help, and it might make you look desperate and unprofessional. Instead, let your data do the talking. Salary negotiations are about what the market will bear. Your personal life shouldnt come into it. However, always be honest during the job interview process. If youre forced to divulge your salary history, dont fudge the numbers. Be truthful about job titles, experience, and other job offers that are on the table. Lies have a strange way of coming back to haunt the person who didnt tell the truth. 5. Dont Feel Pressured to Accept Right Away Once youve received the offer, plan on taking some time to think about it. There is no need to accept or reject it right away. A simple I need to think it over may get you an increase in the original offer. One candidate, who had decided that they really didnt want the job after all, said no three times only to get three higher offers Be aware that this coul d also have the opposite effect the hiring manager could decide that you are asking more than he is willing to pay and accept the no response as final. So, its important to know your bottom line for each position. If the salary isnt enough for you to live on, be prepared to pass on the job.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Successfully Predicting Disasters

Successfully Predicting Disasters Successfully Predicting Disasters Its nice to know when its going to rain. But it would even nicer to predict earthquakes, fires, and hurricanes. Forecasting such disasters, though, proves more difficult. A disaster is a dynamical system that can, in principle, though not always in practice, be modeled.Certain types of disasters are, predictably, more predicable than others. Earthquake prediction, for instance, is far from satisfactory, but is seriously attempted nevertheless. The accuracy of predicting volcanic eruptions lies somewhere between those of earthquakes and severe weatherdepending on the volcano. Scientists are able to forecast the eruptions of Italys Mount Etna using seismic tomography. The method yields time photographs of the three-dimensional movement of rocks to detect their internal changes. The success of the technique is in no small parte due to the fact that Etna, Europes biggest volcano, is equipped with a high-quality monitorin g system and seismic network, tools not readily available for most other volcanoes.An earthquake of magnitude 7.6 hit Kashmir in 2005. Success in efforts to predict earthquakes has remained elusive.For disasters that involve fluid transport phenomena, such as severe weather, fire, or the release of a toxic substance, the governing equations can be formulated subject to some assumptionsthe fewer, the better. Modeling is usually done in the form of nonlinear partial differential equations with the appropriate number of initial and boundary conditions. But those field equations are typically impossible to solve analytically, particularly if the fluid flow is turbulent, which unfortunately is the norm for the high Reynolds number flows encountered in the atmosphere and oceans.Initial and boundary conditions are required for both analytical and numerical solutions. Computers have their practical limits, so numerical integration of the instantaneous equations (direct numerical simulations ) for high Reynolds number natural flows is prohibitively expensive, if not outright impossible.Modeling to the RescueModeling comes to the rescue, but at a price. Large-eddy simulations, spectral methods, probability density function models, and the more classical Reynolds-stress models are examples of closure schemes that are not as computationally intensive as direct numerical simulations. But they are not as reliable either. This type of second-tier modeling is phenomenological in nature and does not stem from first principles. The more heuristic the modeling is, the less accurate the expected results.Satellite photographs show the same island before and after the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and its tsunami. Advance warning might have reduced the death toll.Together with massive ground, sea, and sky data to provide at least in part the initial and boundary conditions, the models are entered into supercomputers that come out with a forecast. It may be a prediction of a severe th understorm that is yet to form, the future path and strength of an existing hurricane, or the impending concentration of a toxic gas that was released in a faraway location some time in the past. For other types of disasters such as earthquakes, the precise laws are not even known, mostly because proper constitutive relations are lacking. Additionally, deep underground data are difficult to gather.The important issue is to precisely state the assumptions needed to write the evolution equations, which are basically statements of the conservation of mass, momentum, and energy, in a certain form. The resulting equations and their eventual analytical or numerical solutions are valid only under those assumptions. This seemingly straightforward fact is often overlooked and wrong answers readily result when the situation we are trying to model is different from the one assumed.The prediction of weather-related disasters has had spectacular successes within the belastung few decades. The pa instaking advances made in fluid mechanics in general and turbulence research in particular, together with the exponential growth of computer memory and speed, contributed immeasurably to those successes. Imagine what we might do for the world if we could engineer systems as accurate as that to predict earthquakes, hurricanes or wildfires.Adapted from Engineering vs. Disasters by Mohamed Gad-el-Hak, ASME Fellow, for Mechanical Engineering, August 2008.The prediction of weather-related disasters has had spectacular successes within the last few decades.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Small Things You Can Do to Leave Work at Work

The Small Things You Can Do to Leave Work at WorkThe Small Things You Can Do to Leave Work at WorkWith never-ending to-do lists and mounting tasks to take on, you might find your work invading mora of your life than youd like. While its easy to work longer hours just to get everything done, its definitely hard to do day in and day out, and could make you less productive the hours that you are working. Inspired by Frances recent move to encourage employees to stop working after 6 PM, were on a mission to help you leave work at work, too. Turns out, unplugging from your job (or your phone) isnt so hard when you keep these tips in mind. If you find yourself always working, heres a reason why disconnecting from it all is more important than you think. (Harrison Barnes)If you want your weekends to be work-free, heres how to tell your managers just that (in a nice way). (Lifehacker)The way you think about disconnecting from work can be just as critical in making it actually happen. (Medium )These are some quick things you can change today to avoid becoming a workaholic. (Lifehack)Stopping work and going home at night shouldnt be too much to ask for- and heres how you can really do it. (Lifehacker)What you do at the end of the day can make a big difference. (Crew)Try some of these 14 things to do before your day ends that will help you unplug. (Forbes)Small things like using your commute to unwind could be an easy tweak to your daily routine. (Apartment Therapy)Why having an always on mentality isnt doing you or your company any good- so no matter how you do it, its time for a change. (Inc)Cant get enough on how to disconnect? Read our articles below to get more inspiration.37 Tips for a Better Work-Life BalanceHow Do I Find a Job With Less Stress?13 Ways for the Chronically Connected to DisconnectPhoto of businessman unplugging courtesy of Shutterstock.