Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The 6 Skills Graduates Really Need to Get Employed

The 6 Skills Graduates Really Need to Get Employed With the estimated number of job seeking graduates increasing, its important that graduates show off the skills that employers really want to see. Its not just about the skills you  were taught  at university its the knowledge youve built up along the way, and the type of person that this experience has moulded you into. So what things are employers really looking for? 1) A positive attitude: Theres nothing worse than working with someone whos negative. The type of person that always has something to moan about and is never upbeat, excited or positive. A  positive attitude can turn your world around, youll even notice people communicating with  you differently. 2) Confidence: Employers are looking for the perfect  employee thats confident but not arrogant. It can be a hard balance to find but having a confident stride, handshake and interview  are all good signs. 3) Squeaky clean social media: Theres nothing professional about being tagged in a photo on Facebook that shows you chugging vodka  in a club on Saturday night.  You should make sure your social media platforms are as PG as possible. A good tip is to question whether or not you would show your grandma an updateif not, get it off! Being professional doesnt mean you have to get rid of your online personality however an employer might even giggle at your stupid jokes. 4) Good communication skills: Communication is an all important decider in whether a candidate is suitable for a certain job. The most important thing with communication is being clear, whether thats in person, in writing or on the phone. 5) Creative and outside thinker: Employers are not looking for robots who fit the job spec. They are looking for candidates who can bring something new, exciting and innovative to the team. Show them that you can solve problems creatively. 6) People person: Showing employers that you can work well in a team is very important for graduate recruiters. So show them that youre good with people, it will make a real difference. If youre a new graduate and currently looking for a job, I think you may be able to relate to the video below. Check out Hello from the graduate the job seekers take on Adeles number one hit! What skills do you think are important for graduates? Let us know on Twitter @UndercoverRec.

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